Liberty 8oz Driving Hammer


Liberty 8oz Driving Hammer is a nicely balanced hammer with a  “Weight forward” design that makes the hammer feel a bit heavier than the head weight.

14″ overall length

Magnet on the bottom of the handle

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: DWH40 Category:

Liberty 8oz Driving Hammer. Nicely balanced hammer “Weight forward” design makes the hammer feel a bit heavier than the head weight

Dairywalk offers a comprehensive range of hoofcare products for both barefoot trimmers and cattle trimmers. Since good care begins with prevention, and prevention is undoubtedly better than cure, we are here to help if you encounter issues such as Thrush, White Line Disease, Laminitis, or Bovine Digital Dermatitis (Mortellaro), among others.

At Dairywalk, we attentively listen to our customers and consider their experiences with hoof care for both horses and cows. Consequently, we have become customer-focused, developing solutions for various problems by leveraging the collective experiences of many.

Moreover, Farrier Supplies Ltd, a family business established in 1979, has consistently provided quality and service to our farriery customers over the past five decades. Additionally, for the past five years, we have extended the same ethos to

With a growing customer base in both the dairy and barefoot sectors, Dairywalk continues to go from strength to strength. Thus, if you need something that is not listed, please help us to assist you and your animals’ feet by calling us.

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Liberty 8oz Driving Hammer

Availability: 1 in stock

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